
Intro python & django + Breaking the enigma: what if Turing had python?

jueves, 27 de febrero de 2020, 7:00 p. m.
Koombea Calle 85 # 53-14


  • 6:30-7:00pm - Llegada, networking
  • 7:00-7:40pm - Charla 1
  • 7:40-8:00pm - Receso, pizza
  • 8:00-8:40pm - Charla 2
  • 8:40-9:00pm - Cierre

Ingeniero electrónico de la Universidad del Norte, fundador de Python Barranquilla y desarrollador de Python con más de 4 años de experiencia.

Intro python & django

En esta charla quiero hacer una introducción sobre el lenguaje Python y Django, uno de los frameworks mas populares en el desarrollo web. Cuáles son sus principales características y ventajas que lo hacen ideal para crear aplicaciones monolíticas robustas.

Maria Camila Remoliana Gutiérrez

Systems and computer engineer from Universidad de los Andes, also physicist from the same university with an emphasis in computational astronomy. She is very passionate learner and I enjoy spreading the knowledge to create a stronger community interested in science (both astronomical and computational)

Breaking the enigma: what if Turing had python?

In this talk I want to bring back all the cryptographic work done during the World War II regarding the deciphering of the nazi communication system. In particular, I will present a python re-creation of the Enigma machine used to encrypt messages during the war, but most importantly I will present a historically accurate python simulator of the Bombe machine used to crack this cipher.