About us

Javier Daza

Javier Daza


Direction and Community

2015-03 - Present


Founded the community in 2015. The initial idea of the community was to meet, talk and learn about tools and new technologies in Python and Django.

  • Lead the community until today
  • Participate with other communities in Colombia to make us known
  • Collaborate with PyCon Colombia organizers
  • Help in the organization and execution of the python workshop for young people with the Secretary of Education of Barranquilla

Blog posts

Projects organizer


App de transcripción médica en una hackathon de IA & Intro a prompt engineering
Intro python & django + Breaking the enigma: what if Turing had python?
Taller de Co-creación #4
Bienvenida de Año 2016 Django Barranquilla
Taller de Co-creación #3
Taller de Co-creación #2
Taller de Co-creación #1
7mo Meetup Django Barranquilla
3er Meetup Django Barranquilla
1er meetup Django Barranquilla